I ate dog meat. No, not dog food; dog meat. The flesh of a
canine killed and prepared in a local dish. So did President Obama. The
difference is I didn’t do it on purpose.

I say that to illustrate the point that culinary customs
vary widely across the globe. You have to be prepared for surprises (some unpleasant)
when traveling abroad – especially if you have the nerve to get away from
tourist zones. What is normal for you may be taboo in a foreign land. And what
is repulsive for you might be a delicacy to your host.
Peanut Butter and
I read this
article this morning and nearly choked on my coffee. Teachers in Portland
were being taught to be aware that a simple peanut butter and jelly sandwich
could be sending subtle racist messages.
“What about Somali or Hispanic students, who might not eat
sandwiches?” Gutierrez asked. “Another way would be to say: ‘Americans eat
peanut butter and jelly, do you have anything like that?’ Let them tell you.
Maybe they eat torta. Or pita.”
The message seems to be that our American meal choices
should be “more inclusive” so that foreign students will not feel left out.
Politically Correct
Gone Amok
That is insanity. A person’s meal choice is just that, a
personal choice. Nobody has to change their diet selections so that the person
across the table feels “more at home” in your country. In fact, it would be
insulting. “Yes, Pedro, because you look Mexican I am only going to eat tacos while
you are here.”
It is an insult. I know because I have endured such
incredibly crass treatment for years. While I was in the Navy I was one of the
few Black people in Reactor Department on a massive nuclear-powered aircraft
carrier. One most ships the nuclear
operators are 90% White. Over the years I developed a thick skin to avoid
reacting when, once again, my White shipmates came racing back from the
messdecks to announce to me that “they’re serving watermelon today!”

Whatever is on your plate is no one else’s business; not the
school’s or the government’s. It should taste good to you, be nourishing and
filling. It should not make you feel guilty because the Somali at the next
table grew up eating something else.
Guilt is the Issue
The above article (relinked here) had this passage: The Tribune noted that
the school started the new year with "intensive staff trainings, frequent
staff meetings, classroom observations and other initiatives," to help
educators understand their own “white privilege,” in order to "change
their teaching practices to boost minority students’ performance."
The goal of this whole program is to make White Americans feel guilty for
every little things you say, do or possess because you are somehow undeserving.
And it simultaneously wants me and all minorities to resent every mouthful of
food you take as if somehow every swallow causes some brown, black or yellow
person to starve to death.

The only way to overcome this insanity is to embrace our
uniqueness, both as individuals and as a nation. America does not exclude
anyone; not their culture, their religion, their fashion or their food. You can find a restaurant somewhere in the country
serving every known cuisine on Earth here in America. You might not notice
kosher foods at Wal-Mart, but it is there. You might not have any idea what
durian is (it's the big green one, common to Asia) but those who want it can
often find it when they want it.
The final nail in the coffin of this politically correct nonsense is this; McDonald’s™ is popular in most countries in the world. Those who don’t have it yet, are in line to get it, even in Muslim countries. American food is universal. Like much of our culture, people often prefer it to their own traditional foods in a short time. Not just “Mickey D’s”, KFC™, Subway™, and Taco Bell™ are all global fast food chains now with more opening every day. People want what we have. That is the opposite of racist.
Teachers and students;
eat what you want and enjoy it. If anyone gives you grief
about it, tell them to go overseas. I am certain they can find a burger
anywhere, even in India.
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